Last week she suggested that we join a jewelry making challenge. That was enough to get me going! This week, she suggested getting together a little "Bead Soup" (a collection of beads, not the organized blog hop) and play with it...hopefully making something.

This one can be worn single as a log necklace, doubled, or wrapped around your wrist as a bracelet! I pushed down my natural tendency to establish a pattern, and made it totally random (except for making sure that the kitty beads were not standing on their heads.) As for color, well, you can find all shades of blue, purples, clear and well, whatever looked good!

Oh, and this last picture is evidence that I really love this style...a necklace that I made years ago, that I still wear! Sometimes you need to go back to your roots!
Let's see how the others are doing in their hunt for the elusive Mojo!