Something I take for granted...but shouldn't.
This week's Focus on Life prompt? Grateful.
Sally cautioned that we didn't have to look very far for our subjects... Something simple but heartfelt would do.
I've been toying with this idea for a while, when posting a thankful or grateful theme, I guess today is the day!
My evening medication |
Lovely enameled plate found at a yard sale |
Those of us who take daily medication for chronic conditions may not enjoy the process, but I for one, am pretty grateful to know they help me keep my metabolic syndrome (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol) under control.
For all the criticism our pharmaceutical and medical industries take, we live in remarkable times - when we can live active lives with chronic illnesses that may have caused disability or early death to our ancestors.
I threw in the picture of the little dish just because I like it, and I am so glad that you can pull up to someone's yard sale, and find a little gem like this 3 inch diameter enameled copper dish.
Let's see what other gems folks have found to be grateful for.